Useful Information
How can I get involved with 200 Urban Garden?
If you want to help out with seedling, watering, gardening, and upkeeping our garden, show your interest here
How often does 200 Urban Garden meet?
We meet weekly/biweekly to refine and advance our project, whether that is working on the current Wong Garden proof-of-concept (PoC) or looking for new plots of land to convert into green spaces.
We also keep up a group chat with everyone who shows interest to keep you all up to date with our progress and let you know if we need any help with anything gardening-related.
What is the Wong Garden?
The Wong Garden, relocated to the front of the Trottier and Genome Buildings, is our PoC with seed funding from the Sustainability Project Fund (SPF) and Impact200.
What is your involvement with the Impact200 Challenge?
We are one of the Top 10 Finalists for the Impact200 Challenge and were provided funding to build our PoC. Our final PoC and presentation at the final round of Impact200 will take place in November in order to compete for more funding that would be used in our expansion phase.
What if I have a spot of underutilized land I want to convert into greenspace?
We provide support to help you convert underutilized land into more green space. As part of that, we are currently developing a guide to converting barren land into gardens
As we consider expanding to more spaces, if you have a proposition for a spot of land that you think could be upscaled, let us know as we might be able to provide manpower support as well!