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200 Urban Garden

Our Team: Team Members
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Stephanie Mok

Post-Doc, Chemical Engineering

Stephanie is our urban gardening expert with 4 years of experience managing the PGSS community gardens and is well connected with McGill garden community. She secured permission and seed money to build the Wong Gardens space which will serve as the pilot project for our vision.

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Quang Anh Nguyen

Bachelor, Chemical Engineering

Quang has experience in academic research, management consulting, and international start-up scenes –all with a common tie to sustainability. This provides him with strong interdisciplinary teamwork and creativity skills that he brings to the project in terms of idea generation, garden design, partnership and website development.

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Simon Cleghorn

Bachelor, Civil Engineering

Simon is our coordination and outreach specialist, with experience in managing large projects from start-up through to fruition. Pairing this with his passion for sustainability, Simon has previously led a climate strike that drew over 400 peaceful demonstrators. Simon also has gardening experience as a grounds maintenance and landscaper for the last 4 summers

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Sophia Roy

Bachelor, Chemical Engineering

From her multiple involvement in research and in the community, Sophia enjoys planning and watching her own projects unfold. She hopes to put her passion for climate change problem-solving to work via this incredible 200 Urban Garden opportunity.

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Thinh Bui

Bachelor, Chemical Engineering

Stephanie is our urban gardening expert with 4 years of experience managing the PGSS community gardens and is well connected with McGill garden community. She secured permission and seed money to build the Wong Gardens space which will serve as the pilot project for our vision.

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Anita Nagarajan

Master, Bioresource Engineering

Anita has been actively involved in various energy and environment-related activities/projects; the experiences she gained gave her confidence to find solutions to urban-centered problmes. She plans to put her skills to make 200 Urban Garden eco-friendly by integrating methods to ensure its sustainability.

Our Team: Gallery
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